Do I repair or buy a new computer?

Before repairing a computer, people often ask whether it is worth fixing. The cost of a laptop / computer repairs may be in the hundreds. The price of a new cheap laptop starts from a $500, so, it is not easy decide.

Reasons to buy a new computer

The price of a reasonable laptop for basic tasks such as emails, internet browsing and invoicing starts at around $600. A laptop costing over $800 today will outperform a laptop that cost $1500 five years ago.

We can assess performance and reliability of Your computer in comparison the new and estimate the cost of the repairs.

When buying a new computer

The cost of the software

The price of the new computer does not include essential programs such as Microsoft Office and antivirus. You may download free antivirus software. But free anti viruses detect only the most common bugs and may create problems itself.

Although almost all consumer laptops come with free Microsoft 365, it is only a trial. As of 2024, Microsoft Office 365 is a AU$109.00/year subscription or AU$699.00 outright for the latest 2021 Pro edition. If you have Microsoft 365 already the licence will be transferred automatically to another PC when you login with your Microsoft account.

Additional time and costs on top of the new computer price
programs to install and taskstime and money
Updating WindowsFrom 30 minutes to hours
Antivirus$30-$60, 15 minutes
Adobe Reader5 minutes
Microsoft Office including Word and OutlookFrom $109 per year, From 30 minutes to an hour of updates.
Transferring data from old computer to new oneFrom 30 minutes to hours
Setting up email accounts15 minutes
Installing, registering and updating custom programs such as MYOB, Quicken30 minutes. Require original licence, installation CD or purchasing new licence.
Adobe Photoshopfrom A$52.77 per month
Other custom software such as AutoCAD, CRM.

Transferring old software on new computer

It is possible to set up old programs critical for business on new computer even if it is incompatible with new Windows or the licence for them lost. Manly Electronics can recover or transfer programs to an other PC.

It is possible to transfer the system exactly as it was on the old computer, which is called hard drive image mirroring or cloning. You will have new hardware with the same data, programs, look and feel. Although in this case, old issues and bugs transferred too. Mirrored system may experience issues with comparability with the new hardware. Thus, hard drive cloning is the last resort.

In a corporate environment, the combination of the software configurations is infinite. Implementation of software and configuring new laptops may require substantial effort, not justified by new computer advantages.

Reasons not to buy cheap computers

Cheap computers might be slower than your old computer. Cheap desktops and laptops from $300 based on slow processors. Performance of that CPU may be even lower than the one in your mobile phone. Also, they have less than 8 GB of operating memory. Cheap laptops have a small screen and battery. You can still use a $300 computer for checking emails or writing a school homework, it might be okay to work with one document at a time, and when traveling, small laptops are convenient. However, you will need a lot of patience and time to work with a few windows open simultaneously.

Reasons not to buy used computers

Buying used computers poses risks. Performance issues arise as older hardware struggles with modern software.

Security concerns include outdated systems prone to cyberattacks and potential leftover malware from previous owners.

2016 - 2024