Mobile phones and wireless internet

why my phone won't connect to wifi internet - top brand phones WiFi standards

iPhone versus Android phones what is faster ?The google trends graph shows how many people have searched for "iPhone reception" over time. In 2010, there were a lot of searches for "iPhone reception" because people were having problems with their iPhones losing reception. Nowadays, there are not as many searches for "iPhone reception" because people have figured out how to fix the problem or because they are using better phones.

What are portable WiFi modems ? Mobile data plans price comparison A modem is a device that connects your computer to the internet. There are different types of modems for different types of internet connections. For example, there are DSL modems for connections that use a phone line, and there are HFC modems for connections that use a coax cable. There are also mobile 4G and 5G modems. 4G and 5G are wireless technologies that transmit data over the air.