Antenna boosters and distribution amplifiers

TV Antenna masthead amplifiers

In order to improve TV reception in an area with poor signal or in a house with many outlets, a masthead amplifier can be used which functions as both a distribution and amplifier. It is recommended to install the masthead amplifier as close to the antenna as possible, preferably on the mast itself. In larger houses or multi-unit buildings, distribution amplifiers can also be installed inside the house.

To determine whether an antenna amplifier or distribution amplifier is needed, signal strengths for all channel frequencies should be measured on-site using a DTV signal tester with a frequency scanner and CBER/VBER values. This data will help determine which type of amplifier is required.

It's important to note that masthead amplifiers are not the same as antenna boosters, which are often sold in electronics stores. These simple distribution amplifiers, marketed as "antenna boosters," will only amplify noise if a satisfactory signal is not received from the antenna. Boosting a non-existent signal is impossible, much like boosting intelligence that doesn't exist :).

TV Antenna masthead amplifiers
modelpicgain dB
MHW43FSMHW43FS antenna masthead amplifier32-38/27-43VHF + UHF inputs
FM LTE filter
Tilt, Shielded$90
MHW35FSMHW35FS antenna masthead amplifier20-26/20-26$85
MHW35FMHW35F antenna masthead amplifier16-26/20-35Tilt$70
MHW25FEMHW43FS antenna masthead amplifier12-15/14-25$55
MHW25FMHW43FS antenna masthead amplifier20-26/20-35$70
MDA15WMHW43FS antenna masthead amplifier10-15/6-15single VHF/UHF input$45
Distribution amplifiers incl. power supplies
modelpicgain dB
Kingray DA43DA43 Distribution amplifier20 - 43dBVHF + UHF inputs
Kingray DW32DW32 Distribution amplifier20 - 32dB$90

Masthead versus distribution amplifiers

Masthead booster amplifies the weak signal from the antenna and compensate for the loss of signal in the splitter and cables. Distribution amp compensates signal loss on splitting to outlets in units and townhouses. Whether you need amps and what type depends on the specific installation.

Antenna power supplies

A TV antenna amplifier needs a power adapter, one and the only one in the house. If the power supply for the antenna is faulty or switched off you won't have reception from all antenna outlets in the house. There are few types of power supply for different antenna amps. The wrong adapter type may not work right or burn out the antenna amp.

Antenna masthead amplifier power supplies
NamevoltageSocket-Plug Typeprice
PSK019 VDC 100mA PAL$20
PSK0614 VDC 150mA PAL$20
PSK06F14 VDC 150mA F$20
PSK0817.5 VAC 100mA PAL$21
PSK08F17.5 VAC 100mA F$21
PSK12F12 VDC 500mA F$30
PSK18F18 VDC 500mA F$30
PIK170Injector Only PAL$30


These parts and products are supplied and installed when you call Manly Electronics for TV Antenna repairs. These products are not for sale without the service.